A Jesus-Made Christian Brand.

  • Why YassForJesus?

    YassForJesus is more than just a brand; it's a Jesus-made brand. It's a testimony of faith and creativity birthed from a simple conversation with my sister at our mother's dining room table. The journey from brainstorming a logo to the creation of an anchor with Y F J. One of the most beautiful logos I have ever seen. Immediately, I thought "YASSSS" and right after, "YassForJesus". Despite initial doubts of thinking "Yass" would go out of style, and this brand will no longer matter. I now see, that was a lie from the enemy himself. YassForJesus serves as a tangible reminder that Jesus is my anchor and He is yours too. For the rest of eternity it will be YassForJesus. 

  • Gettin' To Know The Mitchell's

    Hello beautiful people! It's Sheek, CiCi and our beautiful daughters Zarra & Avee. Sheek and I crossed paths at the age of 15 and have been together ever since. We're high school sweethearts, and believe me, it's NO walk in the park! But, we as a couple firmly believe that if something is broken, you mend it. You don't just toss it aside! We're now a beautiful family of four and happily married. God has been so good to us and we can't thank him enough!

  • The Mind Behind It All

    Meet the visionary behind YassForJesus, CiCi Mitchell. A devoted Christian woman, wife and mother of two beautiful girls. Her vision and journey began in March of 2017 and continues creating and inspiring. With seven years under her belt, she reflects on the growth and transformation ahead, cherishing the original pieces crafted in 2020 as tokens of her journey. (Check out The Limited Edition Bible Verse Sweaters.) During her evolving vision, she remains grounded, recognizing the uniqueness of each creation and the significance they hold. Engaging in discussions with trusted companions about expanding outreach, she eagerly plans for the future while remaining rooted in the authenticity of her brand. As she prepares content for the "Together We Are Better" page, she shares the personal genesis of the group, born from her own struggles with depression, anxiety, and panic attacks. Through openness and vulnerability, she fosters connections and empowers others to find strength in community.

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Jesus Is My Anchor


Rockin' With The Mitchell's On YouTube

Hello Hello Hello gorgeous people! It's Sheek, CiCi and our two beautiful daughters Zarra & Avee.

Why did we start a YouTube channel? Well, the primary reason was and still is to ignite inspiration. Inspire who? Inspire young couples, youthful romance, young ladies and gents with kids, and so on.

We met at the tender age of 15 and have been stuck together like glue since. Zarra came into our lives at 21, and we set up our home together at the same age. Tied the knot at 25!!! Our second precious bundle of joy arrived when we were 27.We absolutely love what we do. And we love sharing it with you all.

We're pumped for this voyage and absolutely thrilled to share it with you all!

Subscribe to our channel Rockin' With The Mitchell's

Follow us on instagram @sheekandcici

And always remember... JESUS LOVES YOU!

SeasonedWithLove Podcast

Together We Are Better

Together we are better. Together we are stronger. Together we are unstoppable.

We have a Facebook group for women only. There you can share your thoughts, feelings, questions, frustrations, encouragement, testimony, prayer requests, praise reports, favorite worship songs, favorite scriptures, and whatever else God puts on your heart!

Morning prayer @6am Mon-Fri
Bible study every Tuesday @8:30pm
Testimony Thursdays @8:30pm

Together We Are Better will soon have merchandise In Jesus name! Please look forward to retreats, fellowships, events, and so much more! Ladies, stay tuned!

Follow us on instagram @Togetherwearebetterr